Adana > misis

Misis , located on the edge of Ceyhan River (Nereus) is the second passage established on the Silk Road after Adana state .

The history of Misis begins with  mound  which Date (ca. 6000) probably Neolithic period.

Misis is said to be established by Mopsus the heroe from Trojan. Hittite, Assyrian, Macedonian and Seleucids dominated the Misis and it had become an important center in Roman and Byzantine periods. Later on Misis  was rebuilt during the Abbasid period in 8th century. After 1517 City was ruled by the Ottoman Empire

the structures and artifacts  which have survived untill today and can be visited are ;

   A.D. 4. -century mosaics, 9-eyed Stone Bridge,  the city walls and the ruins of the acropolis . built in  Havraniye Caravanserai which was built in 1542  and cubic mosque  with the single-dome from 1648.


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7 Mayıs Pazartesi, 2012
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adana has many undiscovered places however misis is luckily the one discovered . stone bridge in misis is a masterpiece .