Myra antique city today was situated in Demre district and around. Myra today is very well and widely known with it is rock tombs from lycian civilization, theater from roman period and st. Nicholas church from Byzantium period.

Rock tombs ,  coins and scripts found are the proofs to old and rooted history of myra . Myra was written and know as MYRRH in lycian and greek resources.

Myra was a leading lycian city in time had lost it is importance with earthquakes, floods , and silts filled by Myros creek and turned  to a small village from a glorious , rich city.  

Remnants can be easily observed today are the theater situated in southern part of acropole and near placed rock tombs . The water supply of the city was provided by the canals carved to the rocks next to demre creek.

 Myra has given name it is name today a 5 star and first class resort located in turkey. Hotel known as Marti Myra has chains in Kemer, marmaris districts.



New Comment
26 Mart Pazartesi, 2012
Name and Surname:
Jessi J.
Message :
rock tombs in Turkey
when you visit demre , rock tombs with fascinating engraved images must be seen.