Turkey > What to do >Turkish Coffee
 The meeting of Turks with coffee dates back to 16th century. Coffe was brought to Ottoman Dynasty from Yemen by governor Ozdemir Pasha in the period of Sultan Suleyman the magnificent. This taste was spreaded out to Europe by turks and known by everyone as the Turkish coffee.

Over time the Europeans have developed the coffee with new additions from their own cultures and made fastworking machines . Thus Espresso, capuccino, filter coffee and granule coffee types was created.

The coffee before prepared it’s grinded. The grinding is done either by pounding in a mortar (the original method) or using a burr mill. Most domestic coffee mills are unable to grind finely enough. Kuru kahveci Mehmet Efendi is the first man who grinded and produced widely turkish coffee and had gained a reputable name .

Breakfast the most important meal of the day called kahvalti in Turkish language.  It is derived from the food eaten before drinking the turkish coffee . Kahve ( coffee) – alti ( before) .

Another cultural presence of Turkish coffee is to be found in matrimonial customs. As a matrimonial prologue the prospective groom's family has to visit the prospective bride's family to ask their permission and blessings for the marriage. During this meeting, the prospective bride has to prepare and serve Turkish coffee to the guests. For the groom's coffee, the bride uses salt instead of sugar to gauge his character. If the prospective groom drinks his coffee without any sign of displeasure then the prospective bride assumes that the groom is good tempered and patient.

How to make turkish Coffee ?


1.5 teaspoon sugar

2teaspoon fine ground coffee

1 turkish coffee cup ( fincan ) water

( these ingredients for one person.  For every extra person use the same amount of ingredients.


 How to make Turkish coffee?

Pour cold water to coffee pot (cezve ) and add ground coffee . Stir the coffee in the water slowly.  There will be a thick layer of coffee grounds left at the bottom of your cup for properly made Turkish coffee.  Keep stirring in a loew heat. You can add sugar when the water started to become warm.  Foam will be collected on the top of the water during stirring.  Pick up this foam and  add this foam to coffee cup before pouring the prepared coffee. When the coffee started to boil take the coffee pot from heat and pour it to coffee cup.

Your Turkish coffee is ready to drink. Enjoy it.


New Comment
21 Haziran Perşembe, 2012
Name and Surname:
corinna sieber
Message :
turkish coffee
Einer der leckersten Getraenke für Kaffeeliebhaber und einer der grössten Konkurenten des Espresso..

27 Mayıs Pazar, 2012
Name and Surname:
serkan etik
Message :
coffee in Turkey
recommended to try real Turkish coffee in izmir kizlaragasi han where the coffee cooked and made on the grill with natural coals.

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